Friday, October 21, 2011

BA- Bloggers Anonymous.

It is almost my 4 month blogging anniversary, and now people will think of something and say, "that would be great for your blog!"  So.....this episode is brought to you by are all things that people have contributed or shared with me, which I am going to share with you. Thank you for thinking of me, and allowing me to share your knowledge.

I learned last night while carving these pumpkins (pictured above).     Dry erase marker removes permanent marker because of the chemical make-up of the ink. It worked.  We drew the outline onto the pumpkin with permanent marker, then after we carved and there was some still on the pumpkin, we used the dry erase to get it off. Pretty cool, and so is the person that showed it to me.  He is just a world of knowledge, it's remarkable.

I now use vinegar as my house hold cleaner, so here are 20 different (unusual) uses of vinegar that were sent to me.

1. Condition hair- Just add half a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of water, plus a few drops of essential oil if you like. I prefer the lavender castile soap.
2. Killing weeds-Spray those suckers.

3. Remove underarm stains- Ironically, if you use aluminum-based antiperspirants, they’re even more likely to appear, thanks to a reaction between aluminum compounds in these products and salts in your sweat. Spray full-strength white vinegar on the stain before washing, and it will disappear. **Thought this was really interesting. 
4. Soften fabrics- Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle, and not only will it prevent lint from clinging to your clothes and keep colors bright, it’ll also remove soap scum from both the clothes you’re washing and the washing machine itself. Vinegar is also recommended in place of dryer sheets -- simply add 3/4 cup to your washer during the final rinse cycle.
5. Remedy sore throats- Many people recommend sipping or gargling with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water to soothe a sore throat. Add a few tablespoons of honey to this mixture in order to make it even more effective and far more palatable.
6. Deter ants-Spray where those suckers roam around. 
7. Soak sore muscles- Apple cider vinegar helps draw out lactic acid, which accumulates in muscles after exercise, causing that sore feeling. Mix a few tablespoons of vinegar into a cup of water, dip a cloth in the mixture, and apply it to sore areas for 20 minutes.
8. Freshen air- Whether it’s smoke, mildew, pet odor, or lingering whiffs of burnt casserole, bad smells can make a home less than welcoming. Acetic acid in vinegar absorbs odors, so spritzing it around the room will neutralize the smells. You can also use it to wipe down surfaces in the room that needs freshening. We always used to put it in dishes and let it sit when we had smokers in the house. Worked great!
9. Remove stickers- Warm a little bit of white vinegar on the stovetop or in the microwave and then dip a rag into it. Hold the rag over the sticker until it’s thoroughly saturated, and it will peel right off without leaving sticky residue behind. This trick also loosens wallpaper adhesive. As mentioned before, a blow dryer works as well.
10. Cure hiccups- maybe?
11. Clean crusty paintbrushes- Fill a saucepan with undiluted white vinegar and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Dip the paintbrushes into the boiling vinegar, one at a time, dragging the bristles along the bottom of the pan. Continue this process until the paint is dissolved.
12. Dissolve rust- The acetic acid in vinegar reacts with iron oxide to remove rust from small metal items like hinges, nuts and bolts. Simmer them in a saucepan full of vinegar, then rinse well with water to prevent the vinegar from further affecting the metal.
13. Eliminate stale odors- Kinda the same thing as above. 
14. Remove mineral deposits- Run a mixture of half water, half white vinegar through your coffee machine to remove them. Use straight vinegar as a rinsing agent in your dishwasher to prevent buildup, and wrap a vinegar-soaked cloth around stained faucets until the deposits can be easily scrubbed away. To clean a clogged showerhead, remove it from the pipe and place it in a saucepan full of white vinegar. Simmer for just a few minutes, being careful not to allow it to boil, and then wash off the stains.
15. Neutralize spice in foods- Add white or apple cider vinegar to your food, one teaspoon at a time, to neutralize the spice.
16. Prolong the life of cut flowers- Squeeze a little extra enjoyment out of your arrangements by adding two tablespoons of white vinegar per quart of water in the vase, which will keep them perky just a little bit longer.
17. Clean glass, plastic, chrome, and floors- A half-and-half solution of water and white vinegar will cut the grime on the shelves and walls of the refrigerator and eliminate spoiled-food smells too. Full-strength vinegar will remove tough smudges on glass and make porcelain sinks shine. Make it into a paste with a little baking soda to scrub chrome, or mix 1/3 white vinegar with 1/3 rubbing alcohol, 1/3 water, and 3 drops of dishwashing liquid for an economical floor cleaner. Just be sure not to get vinegar on marble, granite, or slate surfaces.
18. Treat fungal infections- Such as athlete’s foot, toe nail fungus, and dandruff are definitely no fun. White vinegar and apple cider vinegar can both be applied topically to affected areas of the body to kill fungus. For foot-related ailments, soak in a solution of one part vinegar to five parts water for about 30 minutes a day.
19. Tenderize and kill bacteria in meat- Marinate meat overnight in apple cider vinegar, and it will be delectably tender. This can reportedly also kill the bacteria that causes food-borne illnesses, including e. coli.
20. Open drains and freshen garbage disposals- Clear a clogged drain without the nasty, headache-inducing chemicals. Dump about 3/4 cup of baking soda down the drain and chase it with 1/2 cup white vinegar, then plug the drain. Leave it for about 30 minutes before rinsing with a kettle full of boiling water. You can use the same trick to clean and deodorize garbage disposals, or freeze vinegar in an ice cube tray and grind them up in the disposal to clean and sharpen the blades at the same time.

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