Thursday, June 9, 2011

What do I do with my Viagra!?

Were you thinking just today how you have a drawer full of old prescription drugs and you don't know what to do with them? Now it's crazy that I am even talking about it?  Sweat no more because there is an answer for you.  We were talking the other day about how to properly dispose of them, and what I did know what you NEVER flush them down the toilet.  That will only lead to it seeping into the water system and that is never a good thing for our Mother Earth. Ok, check, then what do I do with it? Here is what is recommended:

In the best case scenario, you are supposed to go to a community drug take-back center, or try to find out when a collection is in your community for hazardous waste such as paints, etc and they will be able to take your drugs as well.  WHEN that is not available, and you need an easy fix at home, there are two simple solutions.

1.  Take the drugs out of the container and make sure you remove any personal information from the bottle. Duck tape or permanent marker can work really well with this process.  The containers can always be reused for things around the house like nails, or tacks, but if not they can always be recycled.

2.  Put the drugs into a re-closable bag or a container (preferably with a lid) with a big ole' heap of KITTY LITTER or USED COFFEE GROUNDS.

3. Then simply seal it up, and toss it in the trash.  BAM, BAM, BAM, and you are done.

In case you want to double check what I spat at you:

Flanagan out.

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