Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Day!

All Fools Day, where did it really come from? I was thinking about what a strange day we celebrate that we play practical jokes on one another. It is something that just the United States does? Is it world wide? I went to my trusty source, the internets, and an older lady at work, for the answer. Here you go: APRIL FOOLS DAY!
But I am Le Tired....

The most accepted explanation actually dates back to France around the 16th century, 1564 more specifically. Up until then the calendar that was used by all was the Julian calendar.

What is the Julian calendar you ask? This was the calendar that was introduced by Julius Caesar and was used by most of Europe. It also included a full 365 days, 12 months, and added a day in february to observe leap year. However, it was intended to imitate a 'solar year' which is a few minutes shorter then a calendar year including a leap year day, so not compensating for the difference would catch up with the world eventually. Every couple decades or so.....This is when the Gregorian calendar was introduced as a sort of reform to earlier times, and to accurately place Easter at the time of the spring equinox each year.
Ah Ha! We must change!

Ok, so onward with the Gregorian calendar. In 1564, King Charles the IX declared that France would not abide by the Gregorian calendar ANY MORE, which shifted new years day to January 1st and NOT April 1st. Of course, as what happens with any change, some people did not want to accept the new calendar, and because of this they were then mocked and pranked and labeled as fools. People would send out bogus party invites, and it soon became a mockery all over France and even Europe. Neat right? There is plenty more information in the links below about the extended explanation of April Fools Day, but thought this was a great start.

APRIL FOOLS! I actually just made this all up. NO I didn't, it all is google factual. Promise :)

Happy Spring Equinox and not the start of a new year.  Until next time....

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