The nice weather is upon us, the sun shines bright and early in the morning, which means avocados and Oberon are in season! You have to love the midwest/midwesterners because we really know how to get out there and enjoy the weather.
I actually got this idea from the chalkboard paint CAN, although I am sure it is all over Pinterest. If you don't know about Pinterest, it is an internet site that you can find a lot of crafty things and so much more. I painted the rim of the pots to write what 'breed' of plant they are, for ALL to see. It is such an easy easy thing to do, and a small quart of the paint goes a long way. Obviously, if you want to have the chalk stay in tact you can't really water it with a hose, but the watering can works great. Here is the picture:
Cute, right?
AVOCADOS! Another thing that I recently discovered is how to keep an avocado fresh after you cut it open and can't really finish it all in one sitting. My worms really love the avocado shells, so I have found myself using that as an excuse to buy more avocados, therefore needed a freshness cure. Here is the solution to THE freshness: I usually eat only half at a time, so when you cut it is half, stick the other half on a small plate and this way it seals it air tight and your avocado will stay nice and fresh until you want eat it again. No more Ziploc bags, plastic wrap, or container that just doesn't fit right! I have done this for as long as 2-3 days, and it still tastes great and as green as could be. I thought it was a great fix for that seemingly impossible cure for the non-air attacked avocado!
Right above my finger is where it was
catching and I added clear nail polish
EYE GLASSES! I am blind as a bat, and wear glasses the second that I take my contacts out because I would literally be running into walls. One of the problems with my glasses was they were constantly getting stuck on my hair when I was putting them on and off. I mean.....ripping my hair out and it was driving my crazy. I went to the glasses store and the incredibly nice women told me instead of replacing the sides of the glasses (price-y) to paint some clear nail polish on the part where the glasses were getting caught. So that is what I did, painted the side where the metal did quite meet up, and it worked like a charm. My knowledge from Pearl Vision passed onto you!
Hope this finds everyone well, worm update coming soon to computer/mobile devices near you (to those interested)!
Working where I work I have a plethora of magazines to dive into, but I found this really interesting article in Good Housekeeping- April 2012. The article was 'The 2-Minute Lifesaver' and the answer was to basically MOVE. It is the simple act of moving that can ward off heart disease, diabetes, even cancer AND without any special training, gear, or extra time. Walking away from your chair every half hour while you're at work or at home while watching tv might just save your life. Of course you have to take everything with a grain of salt, but a recently discovered health threat- uninterrupted butt in chair time- boosts your odds of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to a pretty substantial degree. In one study conducted by the American Cancer Society, women who were sedimentary for six plus hours every day, regardless of how active they were at other times during the day, had a 34% higher chance of dying during the 11 year study period then those who stayed seated for less then three hours. WHOA! That's a pretty big deal. There is a weight loss component to this whole 'getting up and moving' thing as well. Those who took small, as in walking to the copier or taking bathroom breaks, multiple times during the day were in fact slimmer. The act of standing and walking contracts the larger muscles to take in fat and sugar from your bloodstream, therefore forcing your whole body to get going.
Men's Health caught onto this phenomenon really quick and at least half of the desks in their work space are mounted so those people have to stand to do their daily work load on computers. It is very neat, and here is the article including picture.
Here is how to build mini breaks into your day:
(@ work)
A. Stand up to use the phone. Your body works 30% harder when you are on your feet. Pacing is even better.
2d. Get rid of the water bottle on your desk and just walk to the cooler to fill a small glass.
(@ home)
F. Turn off the TV. This causes to you to mount that booty on the couch and become stationary which is the anti to what your body needs.
6. Watch and walk- use the commercials as a break time and get up and go get water, switch out the laundry, go downstairs, etc. etc. You get the idea.
8a. Grab a broom and use your movement breaks to sweep the floor or dust the windowsills. Your house will never be cleaner, and your heart will thank you.
H. You might as well just throw in flossing too because that is also great for your heart, and I love a good flossing.
I have been sitting too long writing this blog edition 2.0, so now I must go move these legs. Hut Hut HIKE!!!